Class SBMLFileUtils


public class SBMLFileUtils extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • SBMLFileUtils

      public SBMLFileUtils()
  • Method Details

    • getFileType

      public static SBMLFileUtils.FileType getFileType(File input)
      Determines the type of the input file based on its extension or content. This method checks if the file is an SBML, MatLab, or JSON file by utilizing the SBFileFilter class.
      input - The file whose type needs to be determined.
      FileType The type of the file, which can be SBML_FILE, MAT_FILE, JSON_FILE, or UNKNOWN if the type cannot be determined.
    • getOutputFileName

      public static File getOutputFileName(File file, File output)
      Fix output file name to contain xml extension
      file - : File to get name for in input directory
      output - : Path to output directory
      File in output directory with correct file ending for SBML
    • isDirectory

      public static boolean isDirectory(File file)
      Check if file is directory by calling File.isDirectory() on an existing file or check presence of '.' in output.getName(), if this is not the case
    • checkCreateOutDir

      public static void checkCreateOutDir(File output)
      Creates output directory or output parent directory, if necessary
      output - : File denoting output location