Class UpdateListener

All Implemented Interfaces:
PropertyChangeListener, EventListener, org.sbml.jsbml.util.TreeNodeChangeListener

public class UpdateListener extends Object implements org.sbml.jsbml.util.TreeNodeChangeListener
The UpdateListener class implements the TreeNodeChangeListener to monitor and respond to changes within an SBML model's structure. This class specifically handles updates to identifiers (IDs) of model elements like reactions and gene products, ensuring that all references remain consistent across the model. It also manages the addition of new nodes to the model, particularly focusing on gene product references, and maintains a mapping from gene identifiers to their associated gene product references.

The TreeNodeChangeListener base class provides the interface for receiving notifications when changes occur to any node within a tree structure, which in the context of SBML, corresponds to elements within the model's hierarchical structure.

  • Constructor Details

    • UpdateListener

      public UpdateListener()
      Constructs an UpdateListener instance and initializes the geneIdToAssociation map.
  • Method Details

    • propertyChange

      public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt)
      Responds to property change events, specifically focusing on changes to the ID property of tree nodes. This method handles the update of IDs within the model, ensuring that all references to the old ID are updated to the new ID across various components such as reactions and gene products.
      Specified by:
      propertyChange in interface PropertyChangeListener
      evt - The property change event that contains information about the old and new values of the property.
    • nodeAdded

      public void nodeAdded(TreeNode node)
      Handles the event when a new node is added to the TreeNode structure. Specifically, when a GeneProductRef node is added, this method updates the geneIdToAssociation map to include this new association. It ensures that each gene product ID is mapped to a set of its associated GeneProductRefs.
      Specified by:
      nodeAdded in interface org.sbml.jsbml.util.TreeNodeChangeListener
      node - The TreeNode that has been added. Expected to be an instance of GeneProductRef.
    • nodeRemoved

      public void nodeRemoved(org.sbml.jsbml.util.TreeNodeRemovedEvent event)
      Specified by:
      nodeRemoved in interface org.sbml.jsbml.util.TreeNodeChangeListener