Class BiGGCVTermAnnotator<T extends org.sbml.jsbml.SBase>

All Implemented Interfaces:
IReportDiffs, IReportStatus
Direct Known Subclasses:
BiGGGeneProductAnnotator, BiGGReactionsAnnotator, BiGGSpeciesAnnotator

public abstract class BiGGCVTermAnnotator<T extends org.sbml.jsbml.SBase> extends AbstractBiGGAnnotator
Abstract class providing a framework for annotating SBML elements with Controlled Vocabulary (CV) Terms. This class defines the basic structure and operations for adding annotations to SBML elements based on BiGG IDs. It includes methods to check the validity of BiGG IDs, add annotations to SBML elements, and specifically handle annotations for Species and Reactions using data from BiGG and other databases.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • findBiGGId

      protected abstract BiGGId findBiGGId(T element) throws SQLException
      Abstract method to check the validity of a BiGG ID. Implementations should return an Optional containing the BiGG ID if it is valid, or an empty Optional if not.
      Optional containing the valid BiGG ID or empty if the ID is invalid.