Class CombineArchive


public class CombineArchive extends Object
The CombineArchive class provides functionality to create a COMBINE archive from an SBML document. It supports writing an RDF glossary derived from the SBML document and packaging both the SBML file and its RDF glossary into a single COMBINE archive file. This class handles the creation, formatting, and management of files necessary for the archive, ensuring they adhere to the COMBINE specification.

Key functionalities include:

  • Generating RDF glossary from the SBML document annotations.
  • Writing the RDF glossary to a file with proper formatting using JTidy.
  • Creating a COMBINE archive that includes the SBML file and the RDF glossary.
  • Handling file operations such as checking for existing files, deleting, and writing new files.

This class is essential for users looking to export SBML models and their annotations in a standardized archive format that can be easily shared and processed by various bioinformatics tools.