All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<ModelField>, Constable

public enum ModelField extends Enum<ModelField>
For more information about COBRA model fields, see the following Supplementary Material.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
  • Enum Constant Summary

    Enum Constants
    Enum Constant
    Matrix of constraints, form μ ⋅ A ⋅ v + B ⋅ v = 0 or g(μ) ⋅ A ⋅ v + B ⋅ v = 0 with g(μ) being some continuous nonlinear function of μ;
    Can be part of the description.
    The bound vector of metabolite concentration change rates (usually but not always all zero, i.e., steady-state): S ⋅ v = b.
    Matrix of constraints, form μ ⋅ A ⋅ v + B ⋅ v = 0 or g(μ) ⋅ A ⋅ v + B ⋅ v = 0 with g(μ) being some continuous nonlinear function of μ;
    The objective function vector for max(c' ⋅ v) for corresponding reactions.
    Literature references for the reactions.
    These are human-readable notes for reactions.
    Confidence score for each reaction.
    The csense field expresses equality constraints in the model.
    Human-redable information about the model, e.g., the model name.
    The "disabled" field comes from the reconstruction tool rBioNet.
    The Enzyme Commission codes for the reactions.
    Can be part of the description.
    Can be part of the description.
    The list of all genes in the model, where each contained gene corresponds to a AbstractSBase.getId().
    Can be part of the description.
    Boolean gene-protein-reaction (GPR) rules in a readable format (AND/OR).
    Lower reaction flux bounds for corresponding reactions
    Value of charge for corresponding metabolite.
    Optional: if present, it must have same dimension as mets.
    Elemental formula for each metabolite.
    Optional: if present, it must have same dimension as mets.
    Inichi String for each corresponding metabolite.
    KEGG ID for each corresponding metabolite.
    Descriptive metabolite names, must have same dimension as mets.
    Pub Chem ID for each corresponding metabolite.
    Metabolite name abbreviation; metabolite ID; order corresponds to S matrix.
    Optional: if present, it must have same dimension as mets.
    Can be part of the description.
    Can be part of the description.
    Can be part of the description.
    Objective sense, i.e., to minimize or maximize the objective.
    Proteins associated with each reaction.
    A vector consisting of zeros and ones that translate to binary and determine if the corresponding reaction of that index is reversible (1) or not (0).
    Boolean rule for the corresponding reaction which defines gene-reaction relationship.
    TODO: description COG
    Cell array of strings, can any value in a range of 0 to 4.
    A matrix with rows corresponding to reaction list and columns corresponding to gene list.
    Reaction identifiers in KEGG, but sometimes also contains ecNumbers.
    TODO: description KEGG Orthology
    Descriptive reaction names, length of this array must be identical to the number of reactions.
    Cell array of strings.
    Cell array of strings which can contain optional information on references for each specific reaction.
    Reaction BiGG ids.
    The Systems Biology Ontology Term to describe the role of a reaction.
    Stoichiometric matrix in sparse format.
    This defines groups of reactions that belong to a common reaction subsystem.
    Upper reaction flux bounds for corresponding reactions
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static List<String>
    Get known model field variant name for a struct field, disregarding upper/lowercase discrepancies, if case can't be matched
    static List<String>
    Get known model field variant name for a struct field, disregarding upper/lowercase discrepancies using struct field as prefix of knwon model field
    static ModelField
    Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
    static ModelField[]
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Enum Constant Details

    • A

      public static final ModelField A
      Matrix of constraints, form μ ⋅ A ⋅ v + B ⋅ v = 0 or g(μ) ⋅ A ⋅ v + B ⋅ v = 0 with g(μ) being some continuous nonlinear function of μ;
      See Also:
    • author

      public static final ModelField author
      Can be part of the description.
    • b

      public static final ModelField b
      The bound vector of metabolite concentration change rates (usually but not always all zero, i.e., steady-state): S ⋅ v = b. Must have same dimension as mets.

      The mat files where the b vector isn't zero include constraints that couple the flux through the model's reactions to the BOF. These are mat files joining reconstructions of two or more species. These constraints are represented in the b and A fields.

      If this cannot be expressed in SBML, then an error message would be appropriate. The SBML file would probably not result in a functional joined model though.

      Data type: double array. Length must be identical to the number of reactions.

    • B

      public static final ModelField B
      Matrix of constraints, form μ ⋅ A ⋅ v + B ⋅ v = 0 or g(μ) ⋅ A ⋅ v + B ⋅ v = 0 with g(μ) being some continuous nonlinear function of μ;
      See Also:
    • c

      public static final ModelField c
      The objective function vector for max(c' ⋅ v) for corresponding reactions. The dimension of this element must be identical to the number of reactions. Dimensions that have a zero value in this field, do not contribute to the objective function.

      Data type: double array. Corresponds to FluxObjective.getCoefficient().

    • citations

      public static final ModelField citations
      Literature references for the reactions.
    • coefficients

      public static final ModelField coefficients
    • comments

      public static final ModelField comments
      These are human-readable notes for reactions.
    • confidenceScores

      public static final ModelField confidenceScores
      Confidence score for each reaction. Confidence scores must have the same dimension as the reactions. These are an optional input, but it provides additional information on the reaction content. Adding them as notes would be a good idea.
    • csense

      public static final ModelField csense
      The csense field expresses equality constraints in the model. If this field is not defin object.getType();ed in the reconstruction, equality constraints are assumed when performing the optimization. Its value is a String whose length must equal the number of metabolites. An 'E' at index i means that in this dimension S ⋅ v = b (equality), 'G' means ≥ greater than or equal to and an 'L' denotes ≤.
      See Also:
    • description

      public static final ModelField description
      Human-redable information about the model, e.g., the model name. This field can optionally have sub-entries.
    • disabled

      public static final ModelField disabled
      The "disabled" field comes from the reconstruction tool rBioNet. The tool offers the option to disable certain reactions. If no reactions are disabled, then the "disabled" field in empty.
    • ecNumbers

      public static final ModelField ecNumbers
      The Enzyme Commission codes for the reactions. Length must be identical to the number of reactions.
    • genedate

      public static final ModelField genedate
      Can be part of the description.
    • geneindex

      public static final ModelField geneindex
      Can be part of the description.
    • genes

      public static final ModelField genes
      The list of all genes in the model, where each contained gene corresponds to a AbstractSBase.getId(). Data type: cell array of string.
    • genesource

      public static final ModelField genesource
      Can be part of the description.
    • grRules

      public static final ModelField grRules
      Boolean gene-protein-reaction (GPR) rules in a readable format (AND/OR). Data type: cell array of strings. Example: (8639.1) or (26.1) or (314.2) or (314.1). Dimensions must be identical to the number of reactions. Corresponds to GeneProductAssociation
    • lb

      public static final ModelField lb
      Lower reaction flux bounds for corresponding reactions
    • metCharge

      public static final ModelField metCharge
      Value of charge for corresponding metabolite. Must have same dimension as mets. Data type: double array. For SBML Level < 3, it corresponds to Species.getCharge(). Since Level 3, it corresponds to FBCSpeciesPlugin.getCharge().
    • metCHEBIID

      public static final ModelField metCHEBIID
      Optional: if present, it must have same dimension as mets. Data type: cell array of strings. Corresponds to the annotation of Species
    • metFormulas

      public static final ModelField metFormulas
      Elemental formula for each metabolite. This must have same dimension as mets. Datatype: cell array of strings. Corresponds to FBCSpeciesPlugin.getChemicalFormula().
    • metHMDB

      public static final ModelField metHMDB
      Optional: if present, it must have same dimension as mets. Data type: cell array of strings.
    • metInchiString

      public static final ModelField metInchiString
      Inichi String for each corresponding metabolite. Optional: if present, it must have same dimension as mets. Data type: cell array of strings.
    • metKeggID

      public static final ModelField metKeggID
      KEGG ID for each corresponding metabolite. Optional: if present, it must have same dimension as mets. Data type: cell array of strings.
    • metNames

      public static final ModelField metNames
      Descriptive metabolite names, must have same dimension as mets. Datatype: cell array of strings. Corresponds to AbstractSBase.getName()
    • metPubChemID

      public static final ModelField metPubChemID
      Pub Chem ID for each corresponding metabolite. Optional: if present, it must have same dimension as mets. Data type: cell array of strings.
    • mets

      public static final ModelField mets
      Metabolite name abbreviation; metabolite ID; order corresponds to S matrix. Metabolite BiGG ids (incl. compartment code). Data type: cell array of strings. Corresponds to AbstractSBase.getId().
    • metSmile

      public static final ModelField metSmile
      Optional: if present, it must have same dimension as mets.
    • name

      public static final ModelField name
      Can be part of the description.
    • notes

      public static final ModelField notes
      Can be part of the description.
    • organism

      public static final ModelField organism
      Can be part of the description.
    • osense

      public static final ModelField osense
      Objective sense, i.e., to minimize or maximize the objective. This field can either be defined in the mat file itself or when performing an optimization function (e.g., optimizeCbModel).
    • proteins

      public static final ModelField proteins
      Proteins associated with each reaction.
    • rev

      public static final ModelField rev
      A vector consisting of zeros and ones that translate to binary and determine if the corresponding reaction of that index is reversible (1) or not (0). Dimensions must be equal to the number of reactions. Corresponds to the value Reaction.isReversible()
    • rules

      public static final ModelField rules
      Boolean rule for the corresponding reaction which defines gene-reaction relationship.
    • rxnCOG

      public static final ModelField rxnCOG
      TODO: description COG
    • rxnConfidenceEcoIDA

      public static final ModelField rxnConfidenceEcoIDA
      Cell array of strings, can any value in a range of 0 to 4. Length must be equal to the number of reactions.
    • rxnConfidenceScores

      public static final ModelField rxnConfidenceScores
    • rxnsboTerm

      public static final ModelField rxnsboTerm
      The Systems Biology Ontology Term to describe the role of a reaction. Length must be identical to the number of reactions. Value corresponds to the attribute AbstractSBase.getSBOTerm()
    • rxnGeneMat

      public static final ModelField rxnGeneMat
      A matrix with rows corresponding to reaction list and columns corresponding to gene list. Data type: sparse double. Size of this matrix must be number of reactions times number of genes. No counterpart in FBC v2.
    • rxnKeggID

      public static final ModelField rxnKeggID
      Reaction identifiers in KEGG, but sometimes also contains ecNumbers. Length must be identical to the number of reactions. Entries belong to the annotation of Reaction.
    • rxnNames

      public static final ModelField rxnNames
      Descriptive reaction names, length of this array must be identical to the number of reactions. Data type: cell array of string. Corresponds to the name of a Reaction.
    • rxnKeggOrthology

      public static final ModelField rxnKeggOrthology
      TODO: description KEGG Orthology
    • rxnECNumbers

      public static final ModelField rxnECNumbers
      E. C. number for each reaction
      See Also:
    • rxnReferences

      public static final ModelField rxnReferences
      Cell array of strings which can contain optional information on references for each specific reaction. Example:
       'Na coupled transport of pyruvate, lactate, and short chain fatty acids, i.e., acetate, propionate, and butyrate mediated by SMCT1
    • rxns

      public static final ModelField rxns
      Reaction BiGG ids. Corresponds to the id of Reaction. Reaction name abbreviation; reaction ID; order corresponds to S matrix.
    • rxnNotes

      public static final ModelField rxnNotes
      Cell array of strings. Text notes (description) about reactions. Length must be identical to the number of reactions.
    • S

      public static final ModelField S
      Stoichiometric matrix in sparse format.
    • subSystems

      public static final ModelField subSystems
      This defines groups of reactions that belong to a common reaction subsystem. Their number must hence be identical to the reaction count. Subsystems are listed repeatedly in the source file. If present, the size of this field must be identical to the number of reactions. Data type: cell array of strings.
    • ub

      public static final ModelField ub
      Upper reaction flux bounds for corresponding reactions
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static ModelField[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static ModelField valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • getCorrectName

      public static List<String> getCorrectName(String query)
      Get known model field variant name for a struct field, disregarding upper/lowercase discrepancies, if case can't be matched
      query - : Possible model field, present in model struct
      List of matching ModelField variant names
    • getNameForPrefix

      public static List<String> getNameForPrefix(String query)
      Get known model field variant name for a struct field, disregarding upper/lowercase discrepancies using struct field as prefix of knwon model field