Uses of Interface

Packages that use SBMLValueHolder
org.simulator.sbml Classes for storing and interpreting an SBML model. 
org.simulator.sbml.astnode Classes for efficient numerical treatment of equations in form of abstract syntax trees. 

Uses of SBMLValueHolder in org.simulator.sbml

Classes in org.simulator.sbml that implement SBMLValueHolder
 class SBMLinterpreter
           This differential equation system (DESystem) takes a model in SBML format and maps it to a data structure that is understood by the AbstractDESSolver.

Uses of SBMLValueHolder in org.simulator.sbml.astnode

Fields in org.simulator.sbml.astnode declared as SBMLValueHolder
protected  SBMLValueHolder SpeciesValue.valueHolder
          The value holder that stores the current simulation results
protected  SBMLValueHolder RuleValue.valueHolder
          The value holder that stores the current simulation results
protected  SBMLValueHolder CompartmentOrParameterValue.valueHolder
          The value holder that stores the current simulation results.

Constructors in org.simulator.sbml.astnode with parameters of type SBMLValueHolder
AssignmentRuleValue(ASTNodeValue nodeObject, int index, Species sp, int compartmentIndex, boolean hasZeroSpatialDimensions, SBMLValueHolder valueHolder)
          Constructor for rules that refer to a species
ASTNodeInterpreter(SBMLValueHolder valueHolder)
CompartmentOrParameterValue(ASTNodeInterpreter interpreter, ASTNode node, Symbol sb, SBMLValueHolder valueHolder, int position)
RateRuleValue(ASTNodeValue nodeObject, int index, List<Integer> speciesIndices, SBMLValueHolder valueHolder)
          Constructor for a rule with a compartment as variable
RateRuleValue(ASTNodeValue nodeObject, int index, Species sp, int compartmentIndex, boolean hasZeroSpatialDimensions, SBMLValueHolder valueHolder)
          Constructor for a rule with a species as variable
RuleValue(ASTNodeValue nodeObject, int index, Species sp, int compartmentIndex, boolean hasZeroSpatialDimensions, SBMLValueHolder valueHolder)
          Constructor for rules that refer to a species.
SpeciesReferenceValue(ASTNodeInterpreter interpreter, ASTNode node, SpeciesReference sr, SBMLValueHolder valueHolder)
SpeciesValue(ASTNodeInterpreter interpreter, ASTNode node, Species s, SBMLValueHolder valueHolder, int position, int compartmentPosition, boolean zeroSpatialDimensions, boolean isAmount)

Generated December 13 2012