s - Variable in class org.simulator.sbml.astnode.SpeciesValue
The corresponding species
SAFETY - Static variable in class org.simulator.math.odes.RosenbrockSolver
Constants used to adapt the stepsize according to the error in the last step (see rodas.f)
saveExperimentToSEDML(double, double, double, AbstractDESSolver, Model, URI, OutputStream) - Method in class org.simulator.sedml.SEDMLWriter
Given a configured simulation, will write to SED-ML using the specified OutputStream.
sb - Variable in class org.simulator.sbml.astnode.CompartmentOrParameterValue
The compartment or parameter the corresponding ASTNode is referring to
SBMLEventInProgress - Class in org.simulator.sbml
This class represents a compilation of all information calculated during simulation concerning events in SBML.
SBMLEventInProgress(boolean) - Constructor for class org.simulator.sbml.SBMLEventInProgress
Creates a new EventInProcess with the given boolean value indicating whether or not it can fire at the initial time point.
SBMLEventInProgressWithDelay - Class in org.simulator.sbml

This class represents a compilation of all information calculated during simulation concerning events in SBML.

SBMLEventInProgressWithDelay(boolean) - Constructor for class org.simulator.sbml.SBMLEventInProgressWithDelay
Creates a new SBMLEventInProcessWithDelay with the given boolean value indicating whether or not it can fire at time point 0d.
SBMLinterpreter - Class in org.simulator.sbml
This differential equation system (DESystem) takes a model in SBML format and maps it to a data structure that is understood by the AbstractDESSolver.
SBMLinterpreter(Model) - Constructor for class org.simulator.sbml.SBMLinterpreter
This constructs a new DESystem for the given SBML Model.
SBMLinterpreter(Model, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.simulator.sbml.SBMLinterpreter
SBMLinterpreter(Model, double, double, double, Map<String, Boolean>) - Constructor for class org.simulator.sbml.SBMLinterpreter
Creates a new SBMLinterpreter
SBMLTestSuiteRunner - Class in org.simulator
This class can test the simulation of all models from the SBML test suite.
SBMLTestSuiteRunner() - Constructor for class org.simulator.SBMLTestSuiteRunner
SBMLTestSuiteRunner.Options - Enum in org.simulator
Commannd-line options for this test program.
SBMLTestSuiteWrapper - Class in org.simulator
SBMLTestSuiteWrapper() - Constructor for class org.simulator.SBMLTestSuiteWrapper
SBMLValueHolder - Interface in org.simulator.sbml
A SBMLValueHolder is necessary to provide the current values for Compartments, Species, Parameters, and SpeciesReferences at simulation time.
scale(double, double[]) - Static method in class org.simulator.math.Mathematics
Scales a vector with the given scalar.
sec(ASTNodeValue, double) - Method in class org.simulator.sbml.astnode.ASTNodeInterpreter
sech(ASTNodeValue, double) - Method in class org.simulator.sbml.astnode.ASTNodeInterpreter
SEDMLExecutor - Class in org.simulator.sedml
Facade class to provide a jlibsedml-independent means to execute a SEDML file.
SEDMLExecutor() - Constructor for class org.simulator.sedml.SEDMLExecutor
SEDMLExecutorTest - Class in org.simulator.sedml
This test class shows how a SED-ML file can be interpreted and executed using SBML Simulator Core solvers.
SEDMLExecutorTest() - Constructor for class org.simulator.sedml.SEDMLExecutorTest
SedMLSBMLSimulatorExecutor - Class in org.simulator.sedml
This class extends an abstract class from jlibsedml, which provides various support functions such as retrieving models, applying changes to models, working out what tasks need to be executed to achieve an Output, and post-processing of results.
SedMLSBMLSimulatorExecutor(SedML, Output) - Constructor for class org.simulator.sedml.SedMLSBMLSimulatorExecutor
SedMLSBMLSimulatorExecutor(SedML, Output, Map<String, Boolean>) - Constructor for class org.simulator.sedml.SedMLSBMLSimulatorExecutor
SEDMLWriter - Class in org.simulator.sedml
Writes a simulation configuration to SED-ML for export and sharing.
SEDMLWriter() - Constructor for class org.simulator.sedml.SEDMLWriter
SEDMLWriterTest - Class in org.simulator.sedml
Tests the SEDMLWriter
SEDMLWriterTest() - Constructor for class org.simulator.sedml.SEDMLWriterTest
setAbsTol(double) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.AdaptiveStepsizeIntegrator
setColumnNames(String[]) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.MultiTable.Block
setComment(String) - Method in class org.simulator.sedml.SEDMLWriter
Set an optional human-readable comment to be added to the SED-ML file.
setData(double[][]) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.MultiTable.Block
setDefaultValue(double) - Method in class org.simulator.math.QualityMeasure
Set the value to be returned by the distance function in cases, in which no distance can be computed.
setDefaultValue(double) - Method in class org.simulator.math.Relative_N_Metric
setDelayObject(ASTNodeValue) - Method in class org.simulator.sbml.SBMLEventInProgress
Sets the math of the delay to a specific ASTNodeObject.
setFastProcessComputation(boolean) - Method in interface org.simulator.math.odes.FastProcessDESystem
setFastProcessComputation(boolean) - Method in class org.simulator.sbml.SBMLinterpreter
setIdentifiers(String[]) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.MultiTable.Block
setIncludeIntermediates(boolean) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.AbstractDESSolver
setIncludeIntermediates(boolean) - Method in interface org.simulator.math.odes.DESSolver
Allows switching whether or not intermediate results should be included into the MultiTable of the result.
setIsArchive(ArchiveComponents) - Method in class org.simulator.sedml.SedMLSBMLSimulatorExecutor
Enables models to be retrieved from a SED-ML archive format.
setMath(ASTNode) - Method in class org.simulator.sbml.astnode.FunctionValue
Sets the math and evaluation block of the function definition.
setMeanFunction(MeanFunction) - Method in class org.simulator.math.QualityMeasure
setName(String) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.MultiTable.Block
setName(String) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.MultiTable
Sets the name of this MultiTable.
setNonnegative(boolean) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.AbstractDESSolver
setParameters(double[]) - Method in interface org.simulator.math.odes.ParameterizedDESystem
With this method it is possible to change the values of particular parameters.
setParameters(double[]) - Method in class org.simulator.sbml.SBMLinterpreter
This method allows us to set the parameters of the model to the specified values in the given array.
setPersistent(boolean) - Method in class org.simulator.sbml.SBMLEventInProgress
Sets the persistent flag of the event.
setPriorityObject(ASTNodeValue) - Method in class org.simulator.sbml.SBMLEventInProgress
Sets the math of the priority to a specific ASTNodeObject.
setRelTol(double) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.AdaptiveStepsizeIntegrator
setRoot(double) - Method in class org.simulator.math.EuclideanDistance
setRoot(double) - Method in class org.simulator.math.ManhattanDistance
setRoot(double) - Method in class org.simulator.math.N_Metric
Sets the root.
setRoot(double) - Method in class org.simulator.math.Relative_N_Metric
Sets the root
setRoot(double) - Method in class org.simulator.math.RelativeEuclideanDistance
setRoot(double) - Method in class org.simulator.math.RelativeManhattanDistance
setRowData(int, double[]) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.MultiTable.Block
Sets the given array as the new row in the given position of the data matrix, but requires that the number of values in the array equal the number of columns in the matrix.
setStepSize(double) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.AbstractDESSolver
setStepSize(double) - Method in interface org.simulator.math.odes.DESSolver
Set the integration step size.
setStepSize(double) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.FirstOrderSolver
setTime(double) - Method in class org.simulator.sbml.astnode.ASTNodeValue
setTimeName(String) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.MultiTable
Set the name of the time column
setTimePoints(double[]) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.MultiTable
setTriggerObject(ASTNodeValue) - Method in class org.simulator.sbml.SBMLEventInProgress
Sets the math of the trigger to a specific ASTNodeObject.
setUnstableFlag(boolean) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.AbstractDESSolver
setUp() - Method in class org.simulator.sedml.SEDMLExecutorTest
setUp() - Method in class org.simulator.sedml.SEDMLWriterTest
setUseValuesFromTriggerTime(boolean) - Method in class org.simulator.sbml.SBMLEventInProgress
Sets the useValuesFromTriggerTime value of the event.
setValue(double, int) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.MultiTable.Block.Column
Change the entry at the given row in this MultiTable.Block.Column.
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.MultiTable.Block
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.MultiTable
sign(double, double) - Static method in class org.simulator.math.MatrixOperations
Returns the value of a or |a| with the same sign as b
SimulatorTest - Class in org.simulator
A simple program that performs a simulation of a model.
SimulatorTest() - Constructor for class org.simulator.SimulatorTest
sin(ASTNodeValue, double) - Method in class org.simulator.sbml.astnode.ASTNodeInterpreter
sinh(ASTNodeValue, double) - Method in class org.simulator.sbml.astnode.ASTNodeInterpreter
solve(DESystem, double[], double, double) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.AbstractDESSolver
solve(DESystem, double[], double, double, int) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.AbstractDESSolver
solve(DESystem, double[], double[]) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.AbstractDESSolver
solve(DESystem, MultiTable.Block, double[]) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.AbstractDESSolver
solve(DESystem, double[], double, double) - Method in interface org.simulator.math.odes.DESSolver
Solves the given differential equation system
solve(DESystem, double[], double, double, int) - Method in interface org.simulator.math.odes.DESSolver
Solves the given differential equation system with the step size h and the number of steps as given starting at the value x.
solve(DESystem, double[], double[]) - Method in interface org.simulator.math.odes.DESSolver
Solves the given differential equation system with the step size h and the number of steps as given starting at the value x.
solve(DESystem, MultiTable.Block, double[]) - Method in interface org.simulator.math.odes.DESSolver
Solves the given DESystem using new initial conditions in each time step.
SpeciesReferenceValue - Class in org.simulator.sbml.astnode
This class computes and stores values of ASTNodes that refer to a species reference.
SpeciesReferenceValue(ASTNodeInterpreter, ASTNode, SpeciesReference, SBMLValueHolder) - Constructor for class org.simulator.sbml.astnode.SpeciesReferenceValue
SpeciesValue - Class in org.simulator.sbml.astnode
This class computes and stores values of ASTNodes that refer to a species.
SpeciesValue(ASTNodeInterpreter, ASTNode, Species, SBMLValueHolder, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.simulator.sbml.astnode.SpeciesValue
sqrt(ASTNodeValue, double) - Method in class org.simulator.sbml.astnode.ASTNodeInterpreter
statisticForSolvers(String, int, int) - Static method in class org.simulator.SBMLTestSuiteRunner
Computes a statistic for the SBML test suite testing all provided integrators
step(DESystem) - Method in class org.simulator.math.odes.RosenbrockSolver
This function tries to make a time step.
stoichiometricCoefHash - Variable in class org.simulator.sbml.SBMLinterpreter
This Map saves the current stoichiometric coefficients for those SpeciesReference objects that are a target to an Assignment .
StoichiometryValue - Class in org.simulator.sbml.astnode
Computes for a SpeciesReference with a stoichiometry occuring in some Reaction the stoichiometry.
StoichiometryValue(SpeciesReference, int, Map<String, Double>, double[], ASTNodeValue) - Constructor for class org.simulator.sbml.astnode.StoichiometryValue
STPMX - Static variable in class org.simulator.math.MatrixOperations
Scaled maximum step length allowed in line searches
supportsLanguage(String) - Method in class org.simulator.sedml.SedMLSBMLSimulatorExecutor
svMult(double, double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.simulator.math.Mathematics
Multiplies (scales) every element of the array v with s in place.
svvAddAndScale(double, double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.simulator.math.Mathematics
Add vectors scaled: res[i] = s*(v[i] + w[i])
svvAddScaled(double, double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class org.simulator.math.Mathematics
Add vectors scaled: res[i] = s*v[i] + w[i]
swap(double, double) - Static method in class org.simulator.math.Mathematics
Swaps a and b if a is greater then b.
symbolTime(String) - Method in class org.simulator.sbml.astnode.ASTNodeInterpreter

Generated December 13 2012